Ecological Semantics Demo Page

A hallmark of human cognition is the ability to systematically construct and manipulate mental content based on language alone, even more remarkably allowing for the creation of completely novel concepts by recombining existing representations(Lupyan & Bergen, 2016). Current Natural Language Understanding (NLU) systems typically lack the ability to create such structured mental models from pure text, limiting their performance in settings which require deeper world understanding, such as common-sense or causal reasoning.

Existing executable semantic parsing methods focus on mapping textual inputs to executable instructions. However, such instructions serve only as actions within a pre-determined environment, thus limiting the applicability to more general language. Using the Inform7 interactive fiction language, we demonstrate how Ecological Semantics may facilitate parsing language to programmatically construct, as well as interact with environments.

Feel free to try out these Inform7 mini-games:

  1. Watermelons (game, source)
  1. Wearables (game, source)
  1. bAbI
    1. Task 18 (game, source)