bAbI Task 18 Source (Inform7)

Babi Task 18 is a room.
Smallness relates various things to various things.
The verb to be smaller than means the smallness relation.
The verb to be larger than means the reversed smallness relation.

[Simple logic for container which can fit (an unlimited number of) things which are smaller than it.]
[ This could be improved  by having absolute sizes, but is sufficient for this task. ]
A relative container is a kind of container.

Before inserting something into a relative container (called C):
	let S be the number of steps via the smallness relation from the noun to the C;
	unless S is greater than 0:
		say "[The noun] is too big to fit into [the C]!" instead;

The football is a thing in Babi Task 18.
The elephant is a thing in Babi Task 18.
The box is a relative container in Babi Task 18.
The suitcase is a relative container in Babi Task 18.
The cupboard is a relative container in Babi Task 18.
The football is smaller than the suitcase.
The box is smaller than the football.
The suitcase is smaller than the cupboard.
The elephant is larger than the suitcase.

(Tasks details in the bAbI paper)
